Fall 2024 - Math E-21a weekly topics and assignments
Assignments will be updated as the course proceeds. Check back each week after class.
[last updated Sunday, December 22, 2024 11:58 AM]
Date | Topics | Homework assignments (4th Ed.) [Solutions] | ||||||||
Thurs, Sept 5 Class #1 |
Introduction to R2 and R3; points vs. vectors; sum of vectors, scalar multiplication; coordinate-free vector proofs; difference vector; length of a vector; distance between points; unit vectors. Equations for circles and spheres; vector and parametric equations of a line in R2 and in R3. |
Thurs, Sept 12 Class #2 |
Dot product in R2, R3 and its algebraic and geometric properties. Scalar and vector projections. Equations of lines and planes in R3 and their intersections. The cross product in R3 and its algebraic and geometric properties, triple scalar product. Applications to distance, area, volume. Summary notes on dot products and cross products (You may also find the Lecture #3 Notes notes helpful.) |
Thurs, Sept 19 Class #3 |
Cross product, triple scalar product, continued. Equations vs. parameterizations. Brief survey of functions, graphs, and surfaces. Vector-valued functions - parameterized curves in R2 and R3. Velocity vectors, calculus of vector-valued functions. |
Note: If you have access to mathematical software such as Mathematica or Matlab or Maple, you might try graphing some of the functions in section 9.6 and some of the curves in 10.1-10.2 on the computer. Alternatively, try Wolfram Alpha: [2D curve plotter] [3D curve plotter] [Level Curve Grapher] [Level Surface Grapher] | ||||||||||
Thurs, Sept 26 Class #4 |
Velocity and acceleration vectors (10.2 and 10.4); arclength, unit tangent vector, curvature, unit normal vector (10.3). Functions of several variables; graph of a function of two variables (11.1); partial derivatives and differentiability (11.3). |
Thurs, Oct 3 Class #5 |
Limits and continuity (11.2). Partial derivatives and differentiability (11.3); linear approximation; tangent plane to the graph of a function of two variables (11.4). Rate of change of a function along a parameterized curve, the basic Chain Rule, directional derivatives and the gradient vector (11.5 and 11.6); gradients and normal vectors (11.6). Exam #1 (covering topics from Lecture #1 - Lecture #5) will take place in Canvas/Proctorio during a 25 hour window opening after our regular class at 11:00pm on Oct 10 and closing at 11:59pm on Fri, Oct 11. The exam will take approximately 70-75 minutes with additional time for downloading, scanning, uploading, etc. for a total allotted time of 90 minutes. The Proctorio Setup Quiz in Canvas should be done prior to taking the exam to make sure that your Chrome browser is updated and that the Proctorio extension is properly installed. Calculators will be permitted, but no other notes, texts or other aids. Practice Exam #1 Solutions |
Thurs, Oct 10 Class #6 |
Gradients and normal vectors (11.6); General Chain Rule (11.5); implicit differentiation (11.5); partial derivatives in the case of non-independent variables (w/constraints); higher order partial derivatives (11.3); equality of mixed partial derivatives - Clairaut’s Theorem (11.3). Midterm Exam 1 online in Proctorio Exam #1 solutions |
Thurs, Oct 17 Class #7 |
Quadratic approximation (11.7); unconstrained optimization - finding maximum and minimum values of functions of two or more variables, 2nd Derivative Test for stationary points of a function of two variables (11.7); Method of Least Squares; constrained optimization and the Method of Lagrange Multipliers (11.8). Extreme values of a continuous function defined on a bounded region. |
Thurs, Oct 24 Class #8 |
Extreme values of a continuous function defined on a bounded region; Method of Lagrange Multipliers, continued; examples of unconstrained and constrained optimization in economics; multiple constraints. Introduction to integration over regions in R2. |
HW8: Read sections 11.8 and 12.1 (and maybe read ahead in 12.2-12.3). To be turned in no later than Sat, Nov 2: HW #8 problems (PDF) |
Thurs, Oct 31 Class #9 |
Multiple integrals in the calculation of area, volume, mass, population, and average value of a function. Iterated integrals; changing order of integration in an iterated integral; and the Fubini Theorem. Use of polar coordinates in calculating double integrals. Geometric center of a region (centroid) and center of mass. Geographic Center of the Contiguous United States: Lebanon, Kansas |
Thurs, Nov 7 Class #10 |
Triple integrals in Cartesian coordinates and calculation by successive slicing. Applications of triple integrals: average value, centroid, mass, center of mass, weighted averages, moment of inertia. Triple integrals in cylindrical and spherical coordinates. General change of variables in multiple integrals. |
Thurs, Nov 14 Class #11 |
General change of variables in multiple integrals, Jacobian determinants. Vector fields in R2 and R3. Integration along a curve. Line integrals and work done by a variable force along a parameterized curve. Calculation of line integrals. Supplement on Conservative Vector Fields and the Exam #2 Topics and Practice Exam Solutions |
Thurs, Nov 21 Class #12 |
Fundamental Theorem of Line Integrals, independence of path, conservative vector fields, test to determine if a vector field is conservative, potential functions; Green’s Theorem; divergence and curl of a vector field. Supplement on Conservative Vector Fields Exam #2 Exam #2 solutions |
Here's a website that has a good java-based tool for showing vector fields and flows: https://www.cs.unm.edu/~joel/dfield/ The current version requires you to download a Java executable file to your own computer and to run it locally on your own machine. You can customize various options. You can also print the graphs. [How Java is called varies on computer and operating system, so we may have to provide some additional documentation.] [Also available here] | ||||||||||
No class on Thurs, Nov 28 due to Thanksgiving Holiday | ||||||||||
Thurs, Dec 5 Class #13 |
Parameterized surfaces in R3; integration on parameterized surfaces; surface area. Calculation of surface integrals; flux of a vector field through a surface. Geometric definitions of divergence and curl, and derivation of algebraic definitions from the geometric definitions. Statement of the Divergence Theorem and Stokes’ Theorem. Supplement on surface integrals - toolkits for spheres, cylinders, graphs, and any parameterized surface. |
Thurs, Dec 12 Class #14 |
Geometric definitions of divergence and curl, and derivation of algebraic definitions from the geometric definitions (time permitting). Sketch of proofs of the Divergence Theorem and Stokes’ Theorem from these geometric definitions. Proof of Green’s Theorem from Stokes’ Theorem. Practice Final Exam Solutions Some “Useful Facts” will be provided on the Final Exam, e.g. definitions of curl and divergence, statements Green’s Theorem, Divergence Theorem, and Stokes’ Theorem. No additional notes are permitted on the Final Exam. Calculators are OK, but only for ordinary calculations, i.e. you should actually carry out any necessary integrations. |
Thurs, Dec 19 | A two-hour Final Exam will take place in Proctorio during a 24-hour window on Dec 19. Some additional time will be allotted for download, scanning, and uploading the complete exam. Any medical exceptions must be requested directly via the Extension School. [There will be no regular lecture during the week of the Final Exam.] The exam window will open at 12:00am on Thurs, Dec 19 and close at 11:59pm on Thurs, Dec 19. Note: Per Harvard Extension School rules, only students taking the course for credit may take the Final Exam. |